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  • Name: Renee
    Date: Tuesday, June 6 2023 - 9:38 AM

    Comment: We are an apartment community on 633 W. Vandament Ave, Yukon - We continue to receive your fliers on our doors and want it stopped immediately. We are a NON solicitation community and your number on Google and your fliers does NOT work!!

  • Name: SEO Services
    Date: Tuesday, July 25 2023 - 6:20 PM

    Comment: I hope Jesus blesseS me with figuring out a career path, I'm 41 and torn between a few of them... it is worrying but I have faith it will work out

  • Name: John
    Date: Tuesday, February 13 2024 - 12:38 PM

    Comment: Love this Church

  • Name: Ebenezer Adeniyi Akinpelu
    Date: Friday, March 29 2024 - 10:03 AM

    Comment: Can you pray for me? These are my prayer request. Please pray for my accelerated and complete healing, deliverance and miracle from stroke. Pray for me for all round open doors. Pray for me for sound mind. Pray for me for victory over power of darkness and all enemies. Pray that God should deliver me from all form of reproach and shame. Pray for me to have financially, careers, professional, academic and all breakthroughs and advancement. Pray me for better opportunities and divine connections. Pray that God should erase evil marks and all form of curse in my life and my family. Pray for me to finish well and strong. Pray for the success of my children and for them to know Christ. Pray for The salvation of my immediately, extended family and in-laws. Pray for me to succeed as a Christians. Pray that God should give my family the ability and strength to live a balanced Christian Life. Pray destiny helpers for me. Pray for health, wealth and longevity for me. Pray for wisdoms, knowledge and understanding. Pray for favour and better job for me. Pray for excellent spirit for me and my family. Pray for protection of God on me and my family. Pray that I should recover all that I have lost. Pray that God should provide me with house and car. Pray that I should be highly productive and fruitful in all areas. Pray that God should perform His miracle of restoration of my right hand and my right leg. All that God lays in your heart for me and my family. Also pray that God should deliver me from deceit and falsehood. Pray that God should take away all hindrance to my family traveling abroad. Thank you. Ebenezer Adeniyi Akinpelu WhatsApp. +2348165285876

  • Name: Joseph duvall
    Date: Sunday, October 20 2024 - 10:23 AM

    Comment: Are you hiring

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